Saturday, March 14, 2009

Road Trips

Road trips are fun. Especially when you're going to visit friends you haven't seen in a while.

Such is the preface to my trip to Mazomanie, Wisconsin. I came here for the weekend to visit the Wicks who are dear freinds of mine whom I haven't seen in almost a year. So, I hop in my brother's car - long story - and six hours later, I'm talking to Matt. It was really good catching up with him this first night.

The ride up here, however, was different than any of my previous road trips in that I posted updates to Twitter, and consequently Facebook, throughout my journey. This new element made things quite interesting. Reading the comments left by friends made things much more interesting than just sitting in a car for a number of hours as had been my practice previously. It made things more enjoyable, and I felt like they were partaking in my experiences.

That's all I want to say for right now; just a quick update. Big day tomorrow filled with coffee, sushi, and exploring Madison.

-Jon Husen

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